My tooth is broken! What should I do?

fórum dental fogászat ügyelet debrecen letört a fogam

Did you break a tooth? Don’t worry, there is a solution!

Several factors can lead to the crown of the tooth breaking off. It is a common problem that tooth decay weakens the tooth tissue to the point where it breaks off with a “bad bite” due to the force of chewing. Teeth that have previously undergone root canal treatment are now particularly fragile, as they have lost their vitality and become more rigid, inflexible and brittle.

Accidents and impacts can lead to fractures – the latter can even result in permanent loss of teeth.

There are several options for treating chipped teeth :

  • If there is sufficient residual tooth material available, it is usually possible to restore damaged teeth with fillings (edge restorations for front teeth), inlays, veneers or crowns.
fórum dental fogászat ügyelet debrecen letört fogak okai inlay

inlay (insert)

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Shell ceramics

Root canal treatment is also needed in cases where the tooth is damaged and the root canal opens. A root tap (usually a fibreglass or zirconium tap) is then often inserted into the root canals in order to increase the stability of the crown of the root canal tooth with reduced flexibility.

  • There are cases where the fracture line extends below the gum line. In these cases, additional surgery is required, called crown lengthening surgery.
  • In cases where the fracture line extends deep below the bone edge, or the root breaks in two vertically, tooth removal is necessary. It is then worth replacing the lost tooth with a dental implant.
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If you have any questions or would like to have your teeth checked, please feel free to contact our dentists, who will be happy to help you!