NO! Modern technologies allow us to save teeth that often appear to be unsalvageable by root canal treatment or, if necessary, by reconstruction with dental prostheses.

See a dentist immediately! Swelling of the soft tissues indicates an advanced stage of inflammation that needs to be treated immediately.

Bad breath can be extremely unpleasant and can make your everyday life miserable. It can have both dental and general causes. Dental causes can include a cavity, tartar, gingivitis, etc. The presence of bacteria in the oral cavity and decay products from plaque deposited due to inadequate oral care can result in bad breath. It’s worth visiting a dentist for a general check-up to see if there is a dental cause. If not, it is worth consulting a general practitioner/dentist.

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, a child’s first visit to the dentist should be between 6 and 12 months of age, as this is when the first baby teeth emerge. We usually recommend the age of 3-4 years for our patients, on the one hand because this is the age when the first cavities can develop, and on the other hand, this is the age when the dentist can communicate and make friends with the child more easily. It is important that the first time is a positive memory for the child, as it will stay with them for the rest of their life. Even if the child has no complaints, it is worth bringing it with you to familiarise him or her with the atmosphere of the surgery, because if he or she sees that his or her parents are not afraid, neither will he or she.

A properly prepared amalgam filling can serve your teeth well for many years to come. They need to be replaced if the edge of the filling has visibly separated from the edge of the tooth, the sealing of the edge is not adequate and there is a risk of recurrent caries. When this happens, our amalgam filling typically looks as if it has “grown out” of our tooth. If we have aesthetic problems with our amalgam fillings, we can also replace them with aesthetic composite fillings or metal-free ceramic inlays.

Root canal treatment is a tooth-retaining intervention. It is usually used on inflamed, dead teeth, saving the tooth from extraction. Root canal therapy involves removing the inflamed nerve fibre and then using various medications to relieve the pain and inflammation. Root canal treatment is best performed under local anaesthesia, making the procedure painless.

If you notice that one of your teeth has a greyish discolouration, contact your dentist immediately. The most common cause of discoloration is tooth decay, which often occurs without pain or symptoms. With the right diagnostic tools, the dentist can determine in a few minutes whether further treatment is needed.

Teeth whitening done by a skilled professional, of course, does not harm the teeth, as it would not be done. Excessive bleaching or bleaching on improperly prepared teeth can damage the teeth, the periodontium and the surrounding tissues, as the material used in the procedure can irritate the surrounding environment if not applied properly.

When buying a manual toothbrush, you should look out for the following:

  • you should not buy toothbrushes with strong bristles, as these can damage your otherwise healthy teeth, leading to sensitivity and gum recession
  • the brush head size should not be too large, so that hard-to-reach areas at the back can be cleaned properly
  • buying soft-bristled toothbrushes is also beneficial because the more flexible bristles can get into the interdental spaces more easily, and they can massage your gums without scratching them, while helping to prevent gingivitis.

Yes. If you want to clean your teeth more thoroughly, use an ELECTROMIC TOOTHBRUSH, including a sonic toothbrush. These toothbrushes now vibrate in the ultrasonic range, making it easier to remove plaque. The electric toothbrush has many advantages when used properly! Whichever toothbrush you choose, you won’t get the right results without the right brushing technique, so ask your dentist for help to learn it.

Calculus is nothing more than the calcified form of plaque stuck to our teeth. It contains a lot of bacteria, which causes gingivitis. The importance of gingivitis is often overlooked. The gums and bone provide the supporting structure for the teeth. As the inflammation spreads deeper (to the bone), it can lead to loosening and loss of healthy teeth.

Gingivitis can have many causes. The most common is inadequate oral care, as tartar build-up can lead to severe inflammation. This can often be combined with smoking, alcohol consumption, etc., which can aggravate existing inflammation and slow down the healing process. There are cases and conditions where gingivitis can occur even with proper oral hygiene, e.g. pregnancy, taking certain medications…etc. In such cases, consult your dentist for advice.

Many people experience bleeding gums when brushing their teeth. It’s probably gingivitis. Make an appointment for tartar removal and oral hygiene advice. A large proportion of patients also develop gingivitis because of inappropriate brushing techniques and because they do not dare to brush their teeth if they experience bleeding, thus aggravating the inflammation.

Inlay means deposit. An inlay is a dental filling that is prepared by the dentist in the same way as a traditional filling, except that a mould is taken of the cavity and the dental technician then creates an inlay that fits perfectly into the cavity. The question may arise: what is the point? The inserts can be made of different materials: metal (gold), plastic (composite), ceramic. These materials are much more wear-resistant and durable than any sealing resin. A filling is a long-term solution for decades, while the best material filling will not last more than 5-7 years. As the dental technician will mould the inlay to an exact replica of the cavity, it will fit perfectly, so with proper cleaning, the chance of decay is minimised. Last but not least, a metal-free ceramic inlay, for example, is of such a high aesthetic standard that often a dentist cannot even notice it.

The most common reason for wisdom tooth extraction is lack of space or incorrect positioning of the wisdom tooth. Removal is often no more than a simple tooth extraction. In the event that oral surgery is required, there is no need to be alarmed. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, so the patient does not feel any pain. In addition, today’s modern oral surgery surgeries use instruments and surgical drills that can remove these hard-to-reach teeth in a matter of seconds. Contrary to popular belief, they do not use a “chisel and hammer” anywhere.

Cold-hot sensitivity may occur for up to 1-2 weeks after filling. This sensitivity is due to the fact that drilling creates a cavity in the tooth to remove the cavity. This effectively forms a “wound” on the tooth, which is then sealed with the filling material. However, it takes a few days for the tooth to feel the sealant and adapt to it. If you experience bite sensitivity after a filling and it doesn’t improve in 1-2 days, see your dentist again, as the filling is probably high and needs to be adjusted to stop the sensitivity.

The question starts with the age at which you should take your child to the dentist. Of course, as early as possible, not when they have a complaint, but when their teeth start to grow, so that the child can get used to the environment and the dentist can monitor the development of the teeth. Regular dental check-ups are a painless, playful way to raise awareness of occasional problems, the importance of oral care and prevention for both children and parents. These examinations also include determining the position of the teeth, when the dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment for your child. How early this is necessary depends on the type of malocclusion, as some cases need to be treated very early. This is up to the dentist or orthodontist to decide.

Today’s aesthetic composite fillings are light-cured during the filling preparation process, so the patient can eat immediately after the procedure. If you are using a local anaesthetic, we usually recommend that you wait until the anaesthetic wears off to avoid possible soft tissue damage. (tongue, lip bite).