Dreaded root canal!?

fórum dental fogászat ügyelet debrecen gyökérkezelés

In our article on toothache , we have already explained when and for what reasons toothache can occur, and that one possible solution isroot canal treatment .

However, there is a very important moment in root canal treatment that often occurs and can greatly affect the success of the treatment: when the patient  DOES NOTATTEND TREATMENTS.

So he thinks that if the pain is gone, there must be nothing wrong, so he avoids the dentist’s office.

In short: why shouldn’t the root management process be interrupted, or why is it worth it for us in the long run?

Root canal treatment The first step is for the dentist to remove the inflamed nerve fibre and then place anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medication into the root canals. Since the procedure is done under local anaesthesia , so it is completely is painless and usually results in the symptoms disappearing. However, this does not mean that the treatment is finished. This is because, during such an inflammation, millions of bacteria invade the root canal, requiring more treatment to remove them and sterilise the canal. These drugs have a duration of action of one week to about a month, which means that if we don’t go back to permanent root canal therapy, then – as the drugs expire – the bacteria will start multiplying again in our teeth, which will cause another can lead to tooth root inflammation, excruciating pain or even tooth loss.

fórum dental fogászat ügyelet debrecen gyökérkezelés

(image source: photo.elsoar.com)

However, if we trust our dentist and return as instructed, after a few sessions, and after the root canals have been perfectly cleaned, he or she will place a permanent root canal filling.

During the preparation of the root canal filling , a hermetically sealed filling is made to prevent bacteria from further entering and multiplying in the tooth.

Special medicated fillings are used and the results are checked by X-ray.

Believe me, every tooth deserves a couple of opportunities to “stay in the mouth”, because, to put it mildly, we are in no hurry to have other parts of our body removed when it hurts.

If you have any questions or would like to have your teeth checked, please feel free to contact our dentists who will be happy to help you!