The dangers of gingivitis

fórum dental fogászat ügyelet debrecen ínygyulladás veszélye

Gingivitis has characteristic symptoms: swollen, dark red gums that bleed when brushing or eating.
Many people see bleeding gums as a natural part of brushing, while many people neglect thorough brushing precisely because of bleeding gums. Both are wrong, because gingivitis can have serious adverse effects on the whole body.

What causes gingivitis?

Of course, it can be triggered by several factors, both external and internal. The most common cause is that plaque (dental plaque) that builds up on the teeth is not removed, providing a breeding ground for bacteria in the mouth, which play a major role in causing inflammation. Over time, this layer of plaque crystallises (mineralises) to form tartar.

Calculus initially causes gingivitis, then the gums in the cervical area recede, and can even cause the entire periodontium to become diseased, leading to loosening and loss of healthy teeth.

In addition, taking medications, smoking, pregnancy and other causes can also be involved in the development of gingivitis, which requires dental examination and treatment to diagnose and treat.

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Prevention is key!

Regular and correct dental care can prevent the development of inflammation and tartar build-up.

If you notice that you have bleeding gums or gingivitis, contact your dentist immediately to get the right treatment as soon as possible to protect the health of your teeth.