Dr. Fábián Tar


fórum dental fogászat ügyelet debrecen dolgozók dr tar fábián

Place and date of birth: Debrecen, 19.12.1992.


2007-2011: Bethlen Gábor Secondary School of Economics

2011-2016: University of Debrecen, Faculty of Dentistry

2016-2019: Postgraduate training at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Debrecen, as a central trainee, specialization in periodontology

Previous jobs

2016. 15 September – 2019. 13 September.
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology, Periodontology Resident.

2017. September – 2018. December
Nyíregyháza, SgDent. Bt. part-time private dental practice under a personal service contract

2019. January – 2019. August
Újfehértó, Madentist Bt. part-time private dental practice under a personal service contract

16 September 2019 –
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology, candidate specialist.

Language skills

2011. FRANCIA complex (C), Intermediate (B2), ELTE Origó Nyelvi Centrum Kft. Bizonylatszám:1331927

2015. ENGLISH written, Intermediate (B2), ELTE Origó Nyelvi Centrum Kft. Document number: 1750613

2016. ENGLISH oral, Intermediate (B2), ELTE Origó Nyelvi Centrum Kft. Document number: 1780600

Scientific activity

In 2015, I started my scientific activities at the Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials and Prosthodontics, University of Debrecen, under the supervision of Dr. Tünde Radics.


In Debrecen, I was a first author speaker at the 2016 local scientific student conference. Result: II. placement.

Fábián Tar: Investigation of the effect of silanization on the adhesion of zirconia-based ceramics. Debrecen, 2016.

2017. 18-21 April. The XXXIII. I participated as a first author speaker in the Theoretical Dentistry section of the National Scientific Student Conference.

Title: Dr. Fábián Tar: Investigation of the effect of silanization on the adhesion of zirconia-based ceramics. Pécs, 2017.

Professional interest

My aim is to continuously improve and thus master the profession at a high level. I’m tenacious and hard-working, I enjoy working in a team, but I have no problem working independently. The most important thing for me is to do a demanding and precise job and to ensure maximum patient satisfaction.

I am particularly interested in the following areas:

1. Periodontology

2. Conservative dentistry and prosthetics
